
I am Cocoa Bean

I am a mighty little man who can do anything
except for changing my own diapers.

  • 我出生啦!

    Hello world!

    October 30, 2019


    On October 30, 2019, I was born in a small town named Ithaca by Cayuga Lake. I measured 19.5 in and weighed 7 lb 3 oz. My parents named me "Zhixian", which comes from a saying of ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi, meaning "the greater wisdom is open-minded and magnanimous".

  • 我回家咯

    Welcome home!

    November 2, 2019


    Mommy, Daddy and Granny took me home today. This is where I will be crying for food and clean diapers for the first months of my life (sorry dear neighbors!).

    A photo of Coaca Bean making an 'OK' gesture.
  • 两周日常

    Growing everyday

    November, 2019

  • 洗澡澡

    My first bath

    November 15, 2019


    I just had my first bath ever! Let's just say it's not my most pleasant experience in my 16 days of life.

    A photo of Coaca Bean taking his first bath.
    A photo of Coaca Bean making a face.
  • 我满月了!

    I'm a month old!

    November 29, 2019


    I just made my first month in this wonderful new world! What adventure lies ahead?

    A photo of Qinan, Kexin and Cocoa Bean.
  • 自己动手,丰衣足食

    I can feed myself now! ... sort of.

    December 2, 2019

  • 握爪子

    Holding hearts

    December 6, 2019


    Holding Mommy and Daddy's fingertips, and all the love they could give!

    A photo of Coaca Bean taking his first bath.
  • 生日&节日快乐~

    Happy birthday and happy holidays!

    December 15, 2019


    It's Mommy's birthday today! I had a cozy nap by the hearth while Daddy and Mommy had a nice brunch.

    A photo Cocoa Bean sleeping by the hearth.
  • 爸爸的毕业典礼

    Daddy's graduation ceremony

    December 21, 2019


    I attended Daddy's graduation ceremony today. Although I slept through it, I'm still so proud of him!

    A photo of Coaca Bean taking his first bath.
  • 我会抬头啦!

    Holding my head up high!

    January 9, 2020


    I can raise my head! Who is the predator now ?

    A photo of Coaca Bean raising his head.
    A photo of Coaca Bean raising his head.
  • 长睫毛

    Apple of your eye

    January 11, 2020


    Eyes filled with a universe of love.

    A photo of Coaca Bean's eyes mirroring heart-shaped lights.
  • 我一百天了!

    I'm 100 days old!

    February 7, 2020


    Just made the first 100 days of my life, way to go!

    A photo of Coaca Bean smiling.
    A photo of Coaca Bean making a face.
  • 第一餐饭!

    My first meal!

    March 8, 2020


    Just had my first meal: rice cereal! so yummy!

  • 吃脚脚

    Tasting my toes

    March 21, 2020


    I can taste my toes now, ten more digits to chew on!

    A photo of Coaca Bean chewing on his toes
  • 我爱吃蔬菜


    March 22, 2020


    I love eating veggies, they make you healthy!

    A photo of Coaca Bean after eating veggie puree.
    A photo of Coaca Bean after eating veggie puree.
  • 坐飞机

    Taking my first flight

    April 6, 2020


    I took the first flight ever in my life! It was a 16 hour long journey, how exhausting!

    Cocoa Bean was all geared up against the virus.
  • 重新上路

    On the way again

    April 22, 2020


    The quarantine life is so boring! Time to hit the road again!

    A photo of Coaca Bean riding a train with his parents.
    A photo of Coaca Bean riding a train with his parents.
  • 你们在吃啥?

    That looks tasty

    May 1, 2020


    I have my own high chair now! What's that you're eating?

    A photo of Coaca Bean yearning for a shrimp.
    A photo of Coaca Bean yearning for a shrimp.
  • 第一次理发

    My first haircut

    May 4, 2020


    Just had the first haircut in my life!

    A photo of Coaca Bean having a haircut.
    A photo of Coaca Bean just had a haircut.
  • 我会坐啦!

    I can sit on my own now!

    May 23, 2020


    I wanted to read some books and ended up sitting up by myself. Knowledge is indeed power.

    Cocoa Bean sat up to chew a book.
  • 独自消灭火龙果!

    Get that dragonfruit!

    June 12, 2020


    I just finished a dragonfruit on my own! Now's the time for cleanup.

    A photo of Coaca Bean eating a dragonfruit.
    A photo of Coaca Bean having a bath.
  • 我会站啦!

    I can stand up now! (with some support)

    June 27, 2020


    What's happening on the other side of the crib?

    Cocoa Bean stood up with the support of his crib.
  • 大闹餐桌

    After a big meal

    July 5, 2020


    What a great meal! Don't mind the mess.

    Cocoa Bean finished a meal with a mess.
  • 外面的世界

    The wonderful world

    July 11, 2020


    What's going on out there?

    Cocoa Bean looked outside the car window.
  • 略略略

    Bite me

    July 25, 2020


    Come and bite me :P

    Cocoa Bean is making a face.
  • 看我的牙!

    Look at my teeth

    August 16, 2020


    I have three and a half teeth now!

    Cocoa Bean laugh out loud, showing his teeth.
  • 偷吃

    The plum thief

    August 20, 2020


    Hush, I just stole this plum to nibble... Oh snap, they found me!

    Cocoa Bean is nibbling a plum.
    Cocoa Bean is nibbling a plum.
  • 兜风去

    Daddy gives a good ride

    August 21, 2020


    Taking a ride on Daddy's neck!

    Cocoa Bean is riding on Daddy's neck.
    Cocoa Bean is riding on Daddy's neck.
  • 我爱吃酸奶

    I love yoghurt

    September 14, 2020

  • 找到宝了

    Found the treasure chest

    September 23, 2020


    Just made my way to the treasure chest!

    Cocoa Bean is sitting in his toy box.
    Cocoa Bean is sitting in his toy box.
  • 我会走啦!

    I can walk now!

    September 24, 2020


    Just made the first few steps in my life!

  • 一起摇摆

    Let's rock

    October 4, 2020

  • 生日快乐!

    Happy birthday!

    October 9, 2020


    Happy birthday Daddy, you're the best!

    Cocoa Bean with his daddy on daddy's birthday
  • 拍照片

    Cute me

    October 18, 2020


    Tell me I'm the cutest!

  • 祝我生日快乐!

    Happy birthday to me!

    October 30, 2020


    I made the first year of my life. This world is so full of wonders. I can't wait to see more!

    Cocoa Bean in his first year birthday party.